Friday, December 25, 2009

LaRouche Demands Harry Reid Resign for His Gutlessness!

December 24, 2009 (LPAC)—Buried in the hundreds of pages of the bill Reid is ramming through the Senate, in Sec. 3403 dealing with the IMAC (or IMAB), which is a genocide panel equivalent to Hitler's 1939 "T4" policy of genocide, Harry Reid was criminal enough to write that no future Senate or House of Representatives would ever be allowed to question the Nazi policy of IMAC, or, exactly as he says there in his own words: "It shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment, or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection." Like Hitler's "Thousand-Year Reich," Reid would throw the Constitution overboard to make the IMAC death-panel the unalterable law of the United States forever! This is nothing but a Hitler demand of Harry Reid. And if Obama goes through with that, and supports it, then Obama is dead meat. He'll be impeached. Because the US population now will not go with Hitler healthcare policies. Reid should resign now, out of embarrassment for pushing this through!
Therefore, Lyndon LaRouche today demanded the immediate resignation of Harry Reid. "Because Harry Reid has now made himself a duplicate of Adolf Hitler, he's responsible for every Jew who was killed by Hitler," LaRouche said. "Harry Reid must take personal responsibility for every Jew killed by Hitler, by allowing this thing to go through. Every Jew who was killed by Hitler, Harry Reid is responsible for now! He must resign immediately in embarrassment, in abject apology to the American people for copying exactly the Hitler policy, which is so infamous. He has made a page for himself in infamy!
"No one has the authority in the Senate to do that," LaRouche specified. "We demand the immediate resignation of Harry Reid on the basis of his having done this. This is unconstitutional; it's a violation of law, and, actually, it's an indictable offense. Harry Reid has committed an indictable offense in sneaking this thing through.
"Harry Reid has committed a crime against humanity," LaRouche continued. "He has consciously condoned a crime against humanity, and this feature of the legislation which he rammed through, is a crime against humanity. And if he's got any honor left in him, he's going to publicly resign. That's from me. They need that from me," LaRouche added, "because there's nobody else with any guts in this damn situation, who's in a key leading position. Bill Clinton has certainly not got the guts to deal with this; I have to deal with it.
"We demand the resignation of Harry Reid," said LaRouche, "and if the President supports it, we demand his resignation. Because all the Jews and others murdered under Hitler, will now move, spiritually, to demand their resignations.
"This guy is dead meat," LaRouche said of Reid. "He's committed a crime which is not forgiveable. He's out, he's finished. This action by him has finished him. He's finished as a political figure in the United States. The reason he's finished, essentially, is not what he's done. It's his lack of guts. He's finished because of his lack of guts. He lost because of his lack of guts.
"I condemn him not for his crimes, in terms of this fascist policy, but for his lack of guts in that he's enforcing it," LaRouche concluded.

The LaRouche Plan for Economic Recovery, Now!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


The Coming Three Weeks Are Predetermined By Dynamics:
Implement the Measures I Propose, or We Loose Humanity.

Let's get the picture: First of all, what some of you still don't understand, even bright people, you still think in terms of kinematics, not dynamics, and this is typical. There are very few people— only by being pushed, do they ever get to dynamics. You're just not used to it. A former President doesn't really understand it, either, and they make mistakes.
All right, now what are we into? We saw a process last August, in which a lot of the American people went out to tell their Congress, "You — shut up! Now, listen: Here's what we want you to do for us, now you listen!" Okay, that process didn't end. It wasn't an "event": There was a process, where the American people were stirred up to the point, they were telling their representatives in the Congress, "You! Shut up. Listen —you're acting terribly. You're going to change now, aren't you? Here's what we want you to do, we want you to listen, and change your behavior."
Well, they didn't, did they? They still are playing the games, like the crazy thing — I mean, this idea of trying to push this health care through is a real piece of idiocy! Particularly at this stage.
Well, the process has gone on, since last August. It's undergone various transformations. Now, we're reaching the point that we're headed toward a breakdown. There's a breakdown crisis in process in Europe, there's a breakdown crisis in the Americas, there's a breakdown crisis inside the United States. We can not, at this point, assume, that unless we do what I will emphasize we must do, by the middle of January — no later — unless we do that, the United States will go down, and the world will go down, into a prolonged Dark Age. So people who have these ideas about step-by-step, the usual kinematic kind of thing, we'll do this, and then we'll do this, and then we'll do this — no! You won't do that.
What's going to have to happen, the first thing that's going to have to happen to do any damned good at all—any other measure's a waste of time—is to immediately install a transformation from a monetary system to a credit system. And this is done by the vehicle of a Glass-Steagall reform of the entire banking system. Which means that those parts of the banking system which do not conform to a Glass-Steagall standard are simply put aside; they don't count. And that would probably take a good deal of about $22-23 trillion worth of bailout money away—it would just fly away, a good deal of it. And then, we would turn around, on the same day virtually, and we would utter credit-system credit for large-scale programs. We would immediately install the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act of 2007, which should have been done then: because the housing crisis is very serious, right now, and there's no answer to it, except this.
First of all, you agree that you're going to change the U.S. system, from a monetary system, which it is now, to a credit system. And the credit system will conform to a Glass-Steagall standard for commercial banks. And we're concerned only about commercial banks, and also savings banks, of course; but, commercial banks. The Wall Street-type banks, they're on their own. If they can't meet up to the standard? That's it! We're going to write off trillions of dollars of phony-money debt, in order to save the world.
And this has to be done in the first weeks in January. This is the highest priority: This is emergency legislation, because if we don't do that, somewhere, maybe a little bit after the middle of January, or even possibly before, the whole system's coming down if we don't do it, beforehand. MORE:


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

LaRouche Webcast: September 8, 2009

Lyndon H LaRouche Jr. delivers a historic webcast as we approach the year end breakdown phase of the economic system.

LaRouche delivers a final ultimatum to Obama, and details what the needed solutions are to halt this economic breakdown crisis.